
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And the Best Thing in London...

After a failed expedition to Camden Markets, and trudging around the rain to find temple church - only to discover it has lost its charms after all the renovation and Da Vince brouhaha - we finally settled into a club.

In the little crowded pub, we dried off the rain and settled into a good lunch over whcih we talked about careers, love life and the good old times. It was a simple affair, but utterly comforting nonetheless. Watching Gerbs banter with Jen Han, after experiencing half a day of trudging around in rain-clogged boots, erased the major irritation that the rain caused to my eczema wounds. It was even more pleasant to see your new friend clicking with the old. That lunch more than made up for the dreary London weather, frosty winds, and the pain with every step i took.

Even better was the post-dinner entertainment we had in Zhu's awesome apartment. A quick soccer match and a few incriminating videos late, Gerbs was back to beocming the whipping boy as usual. Watching Zhu and Gerbert fight really brought back memories of the good old days.

It was heartening to know, no matter where you are, all it takes is some good old mindless fun to make you smile. And equally, no matter where you are, some things will never change - like friendship for instance.

Thanks guys for making my London experience a pleasant one. Especial thanks to Gerbs for putting us up and for offering his bed to me in spite of his bad cough (if it is any consolation, we both coughed very badly after this =P).