Despite pirates being a relatively disappointing movie, there is a lot of interesting stuff about it.
In fact, most of the names mentioned do have their place in mythology.
Excerpts from a long time spent researching on pirates. haha
1. The Flying Dutchman
The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that can never go home, doomed to sail "the seven seas" forever. The Flying Dutchman is usually spotted from afar, sometimes glowing with ghostly light. If she is hailed by another ship, her crew will often try to send messages to land, to people long since dead. The sight of this phantom ship is reckoned by seafarers to be a harbinger of doom
- The Flying Dutchman of course, is a famous DJ
- Arjen Robben, Marc Overmars and Robin van Persie have been referred to as the "flying dutchman" (the are pacey footballers btw)
- Dennis Bergkamp, another footballer, is known as the "Non-flying dutchman" because of his fear of flying, causing him to miss many away Champions League matches
2. Davy Jones
-Davy Jones' Locker" is an idiom for at the bottom of the sea
-This has led to Davy Jones, being referred to as devil of the sea
In J. M. Barrie's novel of Peter Pan, Captain Hook sings a song: "Yo ho, yo ho, the frisky plank, You walks along it so, Till it goes down and you goes down To Davy Jones below!"
However, it is not said as to why Davy Jones is a cuttlefish.
3. Calypso
During the movie, i kept on thinking to myself "where have i heard this name before" until i realised that i read about her during my post about Homer's Odyssey.
Calypso means "i will conceal" in Greek, and she kept Odysseus imprisoned on an island for 7 years. So it seems Calypso is actually some kind of ...
Moving on, Calypso is also one of Saturn's moons and is a Marvel Character. (for the uninformed, Saturn is a planet, Marvel is a comic)
4. Pieces of Eight
"Pieces of Eight" refers to the Spanish Dollar, which was legal tender in almost all countries until the 19th century (like the US dollar today). In fact, Raffles was paid in Spanish dollars.
and now for the really insane stuff, i managed to find more information about the Brethen Court!!! hahaha
A Turkish male pirate and Lord of the Black Sea. He wears a turban and has a long brown mustache. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 4400 Guineas for his capture or death. He associated himself with the Ottoman Empire to control regions between Morocco and Turkey; he is also the founder of the highly organised privateers called Corsairs.

2. Mistress Ching
A Chinese female pirate and Lord of the Pacific Ocean. She is apparently very pirate-like (usually meaning violent and often cruel) to her enemies. Though blind, she commands a vast fleet of junks along the Chinese Coast, gaining power after her husband's demise. Her Piece of Eight was a small pair of eyeglasses. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 3400 Guineas for her capture or death.
3. Gentleman Jocard
An African male pirate and Lord of the Atlantic Ocean. He was originally a slave but became a pirate after planning a slave revolt on his owners and escaping to the open sea, taking his former master's name. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 3600 Guineas for his capture or death
4. Capitaine Chevelle
A French (the trade capital Marseille specifically) pirate and Lord of the Mediterranean Sea He is very pale in appearance, with a scar on one side of his mouth. His Piece of Eight was a playing card. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 6000 Guineas for his capture or death. He is wanted for attempting to steal from the Swiss Bank, piracy in the Mediterranean Sea and French seas, robbing both weak and wealthy trade ships in Europe to trade between the Old World and the New World.

5. Sri Sumbhajee
A former Hindu Priest and Lord of the Indian Ocean. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 2800 Guineas for his capture or death. Basically he is the one with the falsetto, which was why he kept on whispering into the ears of his crew at the start.

6. Captain Villanueva
A Spanish Pirate and Lord of the Adriatic Sea. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 2000 Guineas for his capture or death. Actually, it doesnt make sense for him to be Spanish especially since Spain does not border the Adriatic Sea.
7. Captain Elizabeth Turner
Pirate Lord of the South China Sea. Originally the ninth member was Sao Feng, but as he was dying he named Elizabeth to succeed him. The current Pirate King and married to the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Will Turner.
Capt Elizabeth Turner is also said to possess the "kiss of death". People who she had kissed died soon after
-. Jack Sparrow, who was soon eaten by the kraken
-Sao Feng, who was impaled by the ship debris
-Admiral James Norrington, the guy who freed her before he was killed by Bootstrap Bill
- Will Turner, who was later stabbed by Davy Jones
8. Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea. His status remained unchanged when he was led into death by Elizabeth Swann, ultimately by the Kraken. Barbossa and Sao Feng were the only Lords who knew of his death. The price on his head is 10001 Guineas, brought dead, making him the most wanted living pirate.

9. Captain Hector Barbossa
Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea, though as that body is endorheic (the Caspian sea is landlocked), he spends most of his time elsewhere. His status remained unchanged when he was killed by Jack Sparrow. A price of 10000 Guineas is over his head as directed by the East India Trading Company