
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What do you live for?

Just some food for thought from someone who doesn't feel like working...

Isn't it ironic how little choice we have over the more important things in life? if you think about it, the one most fundamental basic decision over whether to be born into this world is not something you and i have any say ove. Your parents had, but not you.

Sure, we have a choice over whether we want to continue living, but that's not quite the same, is it?

it's just like how some people have no qualms of killing a zygote or embryo but not a human. Somehow, it's harder to say i dont want to live any more than to say i dont want to be born.

i'm struggling to find a suitable economic analogy for this but the only one i've found, thus far, is in phyics. Life is kinda like a very high-speed object, once it starts, it is self-sustaining - moving off in the same straight line with no force directing it at all. But to stop it, a very large force is required. And not everyone is able to muster such a force, unless in dire situations.

So the great qns now is: if you had a choice, would you choose to be born? Why or why not? Would you have wanted your life to be any different?

If no, then what is it that keeps you going? Why do you even bother climbing out of bed every morning?

Ok back to constructing quizzes for freshies like nic. I promise to make it challenging. =D

PS: found the econs analogy! The concept of equilibrium. Omg. I cant believe i forgot it.


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